Week 1 - The Promotion

I knew we were a PiXL school when I joined, but to be honest we didn't fully embrace the philosophy.  However, in January 2017 this started to change.  After a visit to the January PiXL conference in Westminster the school started to think around how we could fully "PiXL-ise" ourselves.  Numerous conversations were had in SLT meetings before a draft plan was proposed.

Last Friday the Principal invited me into his office -

"Shut the door and sit down please"

I'm not always that confident in the Principals office anyway, but this was unsettling.  A conversation followed that our Principal wanted me to take the role of RSL.  Considering I'd had my eye on the post in the plan, this was perfect, but where to start.......

Fast forward a week to today.  Whats happened?

To be honest, not too much this week.  We have just finished running ECDL with our Year 11 pupils, and as an ICT specialist, my time has been taken up with this.  However, tomorrow I begin in earnest.

I've done some research on the web and found a great presentation by PiXL (dated November 2016) on the role of a RSL, but apart from that, nothing much else.  Hence this blog.  It is my intention to record my journey as a new RSL in a school which has never had one before.  Whether anyone finds it useful is another matter, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes.
